

What is Strings?

String is the name given to strings that we see on the head of a tennis racket. In other words, we call the strings of the tennis racket as strings. To shape your racket to suit your play style and needs, you need to use a successful strings. The choice of strings is often like the door of a painful process, from beginners to experienced players. As of today, there are about 600 different strings on the market. There are different types, many brands and types of strings. Let's say you found them. This time you have to choose the gauge expressed as gauge, or the thickness of a racket wire. Finally, after determining the blood pressure value for your racket, you can be ready for the game. We are aware of how intimidating and detailed all this resembles an ocean. Especially if you are just starting to warm up to the game… The good news is that after knowing the important points, understanding strings and choosing strings will be far from being difficult and confusing. Choosing strings can even be a fun process once you know the basics. Most importantly, choosing the right strings will increase the performance you will show in your games and will help reduce the amount that will come out of your wallet. What are the Types of Strings? The first stop we can start to get to know the strings are the strings that will help you understand the difference between the different strings. All string manufacturers on the market produce their products under two categories: natural gut or synthetic products. Natural Bowel Strings The first time you hear the word "natural bowel strings", you will probably wonder why these strings were given such a name. It is also possible, by reasoning yourself, to conclude that these strings are produced from the gut. Really, are natural bowel strings really produced from the gut? If you are into truly competitive games and want to keep the advantage in every way, natural bowel strings can be a great choice for you. If you have enough experience as a player, the performance you get from natural bowel strings combined with your skills will do wonders and will be worth the price you pay. Natural Bowel Stringing Advice Pocket Burn Prices They are not resistant to breaking and breaking Their high sensitivity to moisture Disadvantages of Natural Bowel Straps Elastic structure and stability of strings tension Playability and feel Great spin and control ability Advantages of Natural Bowel Straps After all this preliminary information, you may be wondering whether natural bowel strings are right for you. Natural bowel strings are not recommended only for players who play for pleasure. These strings are too expensive for casual players. There are now relatively more affordable and durable bowel strings on the market, but even such strings will be a big expense for the player who plays as a hobby. There are several reasons why natural bowel strings are more liked and preferred by tennis players. First of all, the feeling that these strings give the player and the high level of control they offer is loved. Natural bowel strings, where great spins can be thrown, do great things because they are flexible in terms of strings. The disadvantage of natural bowel strings is that they are both short-lived and undoubtedly the most expensive type of strings you can buy. Truth is, natural bowel strings are really made from the gut. After a very complex procedure, the cow turns the intestines into tennis strings. Knowing that perhaps these strings are the best strings after you get over the shock of using the bowel in tennis strings can help increase your interest in strings. Popular around the world, natural bowel strings are the first choice of many professional tennis players. But why are natural guts getting more attention than other strings? Synthetic Strings Synthetic strings are tennis strings produced by using various synthetic materials as you can understand from the name. While natural bowel strings are a great choice for some players, most players prefer synthetic strings. These strings, made of various material types, offer players longevity, spin and power advantages, apart from more options. Of course, in order to have an idea about synthetic strings, you must first know which materials are used to produce synthetic tennis strings: Nylon Nylon is undoubtedly the most popular material used in synthetic tennis strings. It is also common for such strings to be referred to as "synthetic guts" among tennis players. As soon as you hear the word nylon, you are sure to think of certain things. However, the nylon material used in tennis strings is not is not the same as r. The nylons used in the strings are high quality nylon fibers. Strings made of this material not only provide the players with a great sense of play, but also achieve a long life. Polyester For some tennis players, the longevity of their strings is a priority. Tennis strings made of polyester are the ideal choice for this type of player. Although they last longer than many strings, polyester strings can strain players' arm a little. For this reason, tennis strings made of polyester are not recommended for tennis players with arm discomfort. Polyester is an ideal choice for players who often break or break their strings. Some polyester strings are produced by mixing natural gut and nylon material. Thus, strings that do not compromise on longevity can also manage to preserve their soft and natural feel. Many players such as Rafeal Nadal have preferred Polyester strings in recent years. Kevlar Known for its longevity, Kevlar is the strongest type of strings among all tennis strings. Sharing additional information that kevlar material is also used in motorcycle riders' protective clothing can give you a clear idea of ​​the durability of kevs. Kevlar strings are generally combined with nylon materials and turned into strings. Like polyester strings, Kevlar strings are not recommended for players with arm injuries. Synthetic Stringing Structures The strings manufacturer develops and uses different types of synthetic strings in order to offer tennis players diversity and different features. You should also take a look at the most commonly used synthetic strings structures: Solid Core and Outer Wrapped One of the most widely used synthetic structures is the single-layer solid core covered with outer windings. These strings are explained as "crunchy" feeling compared to natural bowel strings and multifilament (explained below). In many cases, the materials used have a direct say on the quality of the strings. Nylon is often preferred in this type of strings. Multifilament strings are soft feeling and are a great choice for players suffering from arm pain. It will be surprising for you to learn that such high quality tennis strings are produced from microfiber material that we see above and now on every corner. Textured Textured or textured tennis strings are usually produced by placing a larger wrap over the outer wrap as a cover. With the help of the tapes used between the layers, the wires are given texture structure. Strings such as the Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power Rough are examples of this type of strings. Despite the hard structure of Kevlar, you may not find strings produced using only Kevlar material in the market as easily as you think. Instead, you will see examples of softer and more flexible feelings, which are made with a more polyester mixture, as well as long lasting. Monofilament strings are the most commonly used structures among hybrid strings. Produced by combining two materials, these strings are not recommended for tennis players suffering from various arm ailments. Multifilament Multifilament tennis strings have become the most preferred strings after natural bowel strings that have managed to increase their popularity in recent years. Multifilament tennis strings are produced similar to the production of natural bowel strings. The only difference is that when producing multifilament strings, it is preferred to use microfiber instead of animal intestines. Although some strings are single-core, they can be wrapped in more than one layer. In addition to offering the same characteristics, they offer increased softness and longevity. Monofilament Monofilament is the most basic string structure. Monofilament strings are usually made of polyester or Kevlar materials. These materials help monofilapment strings to be long-lasting. In addition, as these strings provide a stiff feel with less pop, they tend to provide a level of control above and beyond other strings. Composites Composites are strings structures that aim to give many advantages with a single string. They are usually created from a combination of more than one material while being produced. In this way, it is ensured that the strings benefit from the advantage of each material. Although it is possible to talk about different structures, composites are often created by passing multiple layers of outer shells on a single core. Advantages of Synthetic Strings Having many varieties with different characteristics Attractive label prices due to its wide variety Extra longevity Disadvantages of Synthetic Strings Lack of sensation (relatively and controversial) compared to the natural gut Confused by buyers that it has so many varieties rma Hybrid Strings Similar to composite strings, hybrid strings are produced by combining more than one material. Thus, it is aimed to take advantage of both materials on a single racket. To explain with a simple example: By using the advantage of two different materials, they can manage to be soft and long-lasting at the same time. The Wilson Ultimate Duo Hybrid is one of the popular examples of this type of strings. As a result of the combination of different materials, hybrid strings achieve a nice balance in comfort and control, as well as bringing the advantage of longevity. Manufacturers and players are turning to strings like the Wilson Champion's Choice Hybrid, which is made of a mixture of gut and synthetic materials, rather than pure natural gut production strings to get more affordable prices. Size or Thickness in Strings Selection After learning the types and structures of strings, you may have learned from which materials the strings are produced and what their advantages are. Now, you need to learn the Gauge or thickness gauge, which is another value to consider when purchasing a new string. The gauge of the strings is as follows: 19 / 1.00-1.10 mm 18 / 1.10-1.16 mm 17L / 1.16-1.20 mm 17 / 1.20-1.24 mm 16L / 1.22-1.26mm 16 / 1.26-1.33 mm 15L / 1.34-1.40 mm 15 / 1.41-1.49 mm For most players, thin strings such as 18 increase the spin potential in their shots. We should not confuse the spin potential with the ability to generate spin. For example, if you are doing very flat beats with low spin, then you should not prefer thin strings. On the other hand, if you're doing a lot of topspin hits, the 15L gauge will give you more spin generation capability. Because of its ability to generate spin, many players prefer thin strings such as 15L. Thus, it also provides longer life of strings. On the other hand, players who make hard hits and manage to break off their strings prefer thicker strings to increase the life of their strings. So far, we have shared with you all the basic information you need to know about string selection. Of course, there will be other factors that you need to know and consider in order to choose the best string. 01. Your Game Level If you are just starting out in tennis, it will not make much sense to buy one of the rather expensive strings. Realizing the feeling between a natural bowel string and a cheap one is quite challenging for an amateur player. As a result; Single core synthetic, single or multi-layer strings will be a great choice. Moreover, these make sense for an amateur tennis player in terms of their prices. 02. Your Playing Frequency The more you play tennis, the sooner your string will wear out, lose tension or break. If you participate in very competitive games and play tennis constantly, you should choose one of the high quality strings. Multiflament and hybrid strings are a great choice for players who frequently play tennis. If you keep the longevity advantage while you get great feeling and playability with these strings. And you don't need to rob a bank to pay for your string. 03.The Best Strings for Arm Injury If you suffer from arm injury, then the best choice for you will be multiflament or multiflament-based hybrid strings. These strings are durable strings that will reduce the shock effect on your arm. 04. Your Playstyle and Personal Preferences Considering your playing style can do wonders when choosing your strings. If you spend most of your time with topspin at the baseline, you may want to choose low gauge strings to increase your spin potential. As a matter of fact, there is no absolute right or wrong about what style of string you choose. You can keep all the advantage in the game by spending extra time and purchasing the string made of materials that you are sure are suitable for you. Last Words As you can see, there are hundreds of strings with many differences. Diversity is a great advantage for tennis players. If you do not count that you are confused enough, the excess variety allows you to use the most suitable strings. The good news: You can't use any tennis strings forever. Whether you play tennis regularly or not, you will have to change your strings at certain times. These changes will give you the chance to try out different strings and make your own favorite. Remember that when you try new strings you will need to give yourself time to fully experience the strings. By stepping out on the same day as your new strings, you may not feel exactly how the strings give you feedback. For this to happen, you need to take time for yourself and your strings.

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